As a small business owner, I am continually looking for ways to increase my productivity. Last Friday I was at a Keller Williams’ sponsored training and I found several things that will increase my productivity. In one of our sessions, The 4 Thieves of Productivity, it was really eye-opening for me and I wanted to share it with you this week. I hope it helps you as much as it did me.
Thief #1: Inability to Say NO
This one is hard for me. I love people and enjoy interacting with my friends and co-workers. I have vendors asking me every day to eat lunch or attend a happy hour. All of these feed my desire to interact with people but they often just distract me from doing what I need to do to build my business. It’s not that I don’t want to continue spending time with my friends, co-workers, and vendors but I am going to have to say “no” at times to keep focused on what I need to do. This principle was not new to me, but it was convicting again.
Thief #2: Fear of Chaos
Last Friday I learned something brand new about myself. Clutter and chaos can be a good thing. What? That sounds crazy doesn’t it. I am a super organized person and I hate clutter. (Full Disclosure: I spent Sunday evening clearing clutter up from my office at home.) What the presenter was trying to tell us was that when you are focused on accomplishing your goals, sometimes clutter will build up naturally. In essence, I just need to “go with the flow” sometimes. I need to allow it to build up so I can keep my focus clearly on my goals and objectives. Then when I have a spare Sunday evening, I can clean up the clutter. Ha ha!
Thief #3: Poor Health Habits
Oh I hate this one! I hate going to bed early at night. I love staying up late and sipping a glass of wine and relaxing after a hard day. So I invariable stay up to late and have a hard time getting up in the morning. Our presenter suggested that to remain focused and to increase our productivity we need to get enough rest, eat right and exercise. I know, I know!…it was a good reminder.
Thief #4: Environment Doesn’t Support Your Goals
“The foundation of your main goal in life is your environment which consists of the people and places that support you.” This is one reason I love being a part of Keller Williams. The office is filled with people that support, encourage and strive to be the best they can be. Keller Williams, as a Real Estate company, spends countless hours and uses many resources to help train and empower their members giving them the best possible tools to be successful. I love Keller Williams and am very thankful for their training and support.
If you have any interest in being a realtor, please give me a call at 214-769-2947. I would love to sit down with you and discuss the advantages of working with me and Keller Williams.
Beth Brake Owner/Team Lead
Perfomance Driven Excellence
(Excerpts taken from The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan)